Giving a dog choices
Daily Tip!
Giving your dog choices!
Growing up, we were never really given choices. Our parents always chose what they felt was best for us. We were made to go to school. We were made to attend a summer camp or church camp. We were made to attend church. Our parents knew this was the best decision for us. Our parents set curfews for us as teenagers, even if we didn't agree with them. Most children would say "No! I don't want to go to school, church or camp!" Most teenagers would get upset because they had to be in by 10pm and wanted to stay out until 11pm. In the end we actually are grateful that we were what we felt like "forced to go" and that we had rules and boundaries. Our parents taught us and guided us on how to be productive members of society at a very young age. They taught us right from wrong and gave us the tools and knowledge we needed in order to succeed. Once we were given this and became adults, it was up to us to uphold to the upbringing we had. We earned the freedom of adulthood from our parents.
When it comes to training your dog, it is the exact same concept. We should never give our dog choices in the beginning. If we do, we are sett